The C Clefs

Did you know that there are other clefs other than the treble and bass clefs?

While the majority of instruments read either the treble or bass clefs or both, there are some voice ranges and instruments that are better suited to a range around “middle C”. Middle C is in the middle between the treble and bass clef.

Since middle C is on a line, we can put a C clef on any line of the staff to identify where this C will be.

For example, the C clef on each line has another name as indicated below, from bottom to top line:

1st staff line –   Soprano

2nd staff line – Mezzo-Soprano

3rd staff line – Alto

4th staff line – Tenor

5th staff line – Baritone

In other words, the C clef can be on 5 different lines. It would be used for voice ranges including tenor and others, and for a wide range of instruments including viola, and several more.

The note names on the lines of the C clef vary depending on where it is placed. For example, from bottom to top, the line names for each C clef would be:

Soprano – C, E, G, B, D

Mezzo-Soprano – A, C, E, G, B

Alto – F, A, C, E, G

Tenor – D, F, A, C, E

Baritone – B, D, F, A, C

If you decide to take theory lessons, most courses require that you can identify notes in the treble, bass, alto, and tenor clefs.

Watch The C Clefs video for details.


The Bass Clef